
是关于熟人的拍摄项目。我的动机从起初的:熟人好下手,熟人不设防;渐渐转变为:想记录他们不曾被任何人记录的瞬间。通过我的主观介入,让他们从照片中看到关于自己的一些平淡、微妙、矛盾、陌生的蛛丝马迹。 杀熟,杀的不是熟人,是熟视无睹。这是摄影教会我的,看世界的方式。

This is a photography project of people around me. Which this is actually my initial purpose, because: it’s better and easier to take photos of those around you, and there are no barriers in between. And from there it has become more like moments that no one else has ever known or seen. I want to let them know the subtle nuance of themselves in everyday life, contradictory mindset and many things in an unknown way. These photos are for us to discover the unknown sides and little things that we have missed, not just plain photos of people. This is how photography taught me to see the world.


PROJECT: 立得照相馆